The perfect world foundation

We love boats, water, sun, sailing and canoeing. In short we love everything to do with water. Therefore we have devoted our time to make life safer on or around water and to have fun in safety and comfort! Our business is based on our nature, and that this is a nice place to be. Unfortunately, the development is going in the wrong direction in this area with ocean acidification, littering and environmental damage.


Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. This quote from Arthur Ashe is the approach we at Baltic adopt when we share our sustainability journey with you. The element closest to our business is water, which is why we work to stop littering and pick up the rubbish that has ended up in our nature. We do this together with The Perfect World Foundation and their sea saving project, Save The Ocean.

About the Perfect World Foundation

The Perfect World Foundation is a Swedish based non-profit organization working with wildlife and nature in crisis, around the world. By increasing knowledge and spreading awareness, our aim is to create courage and preconditions for change, one step at a time. Our clear mission is to save the world.


Save the Ocean is The Perfect World Foundation’s overall sea rescue project with campaigns such as Blue Bucket, which aims to engage everyone to help pick up plastic from our seas, along coasts and beaches, with the goal of spreading knowledge about the impact of plastic waste on our sea. Ghost Net Zero, which is their major campaign to, among other things, locate, pick up, recycle, and reuse lost fishing equipment, so-called ghost nets.

Researchers estimate that there are more than 150 million tons of plastic in our oceans, and an additional 5–13 million tons of plastic are added each year. And as much as 80% of all plastic waste in the sea comes from our activities on land. By 2050, it is estimated that there will be more plastic than fish in our oceans, if litter continues at the same rate.

Lost fishing equipment, nets and cages are the biggest contributing factor to microplastics in our oceans. Every year, more than 600,000 tonnes of fishing equipment are lost in the sea, which continues to “ghost fish” for hundreds of years, if it remains.

With their Ghost Net Zero campaign, they work to spread knowledge, support innovations and activities to enable the location, salvage, recycling and reuse of lost fishing equipment, so-called ghost nets. Their vision is zero ghost nets in our oceans.

Want to read more about The Perfect World Foundation? HERE
can you do it

Baltic och The Perfect World Foundation

Baltic har sedan december 2021 samarbetat med The Perfect World Foundation med det gemensamma målet att sprida kunskap om problematiken som nedskräpning av våra hav medför, förebygga, och plocka upp det skärpet som redan finns där. Tillsammans har vi hjälpt till att plocka upp 3000L plast ur våra hav.

Under 2022 har vi många gemensamma projekt på gång och ser fram emot att få dela vår resa med våra återförsäljare och kunder, mot plastfria hav.

Och kom ihåg, allt skärp som tas med ut i naturen ska med hem!


När du handlar från vår webshop kan du välja att skänka 10kr i plastkompensation. Din gåva går oavkortat till The Perfect World Foundation, 10kr i plastkompensation hjälper till att städa upp 2L plast från vår natur. Baltic dubblar alla gåvor vi får in, gemensamt hjälper vi då till att städa upp 4L från våra hav. HÄR kan du läsa mer om vad din gåva kan bidra med och om The Perfect World Foundation.